Sunday, January 8, 2012

And we have a WIN!

This is my LOVE for the day!  I love me Muscles and Killer! 

Short and sweet!  Today we watched Muscles and Killer.  What fun!  What fun!  Just touching on Killer....she is really missing that killer instinct.  I'm not to proud to admit to bribery.  I told her today, after her matches, if she wins ONE match.  JUST ONE MATCH during the rest of the season, I'll buy her an Ipod Touch.  Sadly, the phrase "a snowball has a better chance in ...... " comes into play.  Let's hope she proves me wrong!  She tells us she loves it and is having a good time.  Guess that is what matters at her age. 

Oh Muscles, my Muscles.....  First match was hard fought.  With about 5 seconds to go in the final period of the first match, he was up by the score of 4 to 3.  Talk about a grudge match.  Then at the last second, he let his opponent stand up!  Score two for the other guy.  He was beat by the score of 5 to 4.  UGH!  Second one rolled around and it was another push and shove type of match.  We screamed.  We screamed.  Then Grandma Grimm screamed.  Which almost scared the crap out of me!  I'm 38 years old and have never heard my Momma yell that loud.  He fought.  He got angry.  And then.  And then.  And then.  At the end of all periods...I don't remember what the score was but he had more! 

 It was nearly impossible for me to take pics.  This dang huge family in front of us.  I mean Grandma & Pap, their 4 kids and spouses, and their 13 to 15 grandchildren used match time to hug, stand up, take family pictures with their Ipads, play, pass the babies around, look at 31 catalogs and just be generally annoying.  And then during actual match time, truthfully, John and I were up on our feet screaming.  The "family" didn't like it.  Which made it even better!  He is liking it better each time.  Which I knew would happen!  He was happy and tired afterwards. 


I had planned to do a running "Thankful for" item but it seems to have fallen by the wayside.  Here is my newest installment. 

I'm thankful for my in-laws, Denny and Karen Brereton.  I have to be!  If it wasn't for them I would not have the love of my life, John.  And would have never gotten to have, meet, and LOVE Muscles and Killer!  

1 comment:

  1. WTG Muscles and get that iPod Killer. I bribed Nicholas and he earned an iPod (but that was for all As and all good behavior for a WHOLE year). I'm not above bribery.
