Now, I would like to take a moment and thank Brightroom for sending me this lovely picture. This picture was taken at the 2011 Wineglass Marathon. This was taken on the last bridge crossing in the race. Between 1 and 1 1/2 miles from the finish. At this point in the race, there were tears and SO MUCH PAIN. When I look at this I remember the pain. Trying to run down the slight grade. Each strike of my feet feeling like thousands of needles jabbing the soles of my feet. My eyes are watering now. I can remember thinking ... the finish is around the corner and about 200 to 250 yards down the street. you can do this. you can keep going. I remember getting to that corner and not being able to actually feel my feet or ankles because they had become so numb with pain. Not a feeling that I enjoy while running. The pain brought me to a walk....for about 10 seconds. And then this kicked in ... Jen, what are you doing? get your ass moving. there is not a chance in hell that you are going to walk down this street.
If you notice in the picture my hands. My hands. That is all the more I could do with them. You want to talk about swelling! There wasn't a chance in this world that I was putting on my wedding ring after this. Maybe that is what is wrong with the rest of the picture also. Swelling. I looked at this picture and wept. Yes, some was remembering the pain and agony of the day. But most was because of what I see. I don't like what I see in this picture. The neck and double chin. Who takes a picture from that angle?! That there my friends is heredity. I can show you pictures of my family. Immediate. Extended. And 90% of us, regardless of size, have that lovely double chin and "flappy" neck. But everything else is me. Not heredity.
This picture moves me. This picture irritates me. This picture has made changes in life just over the past 4 days. You see this picture has now taken center stage in my life. It has been hung as a reminder. Reminder of my past. It now hangs beside this picture.....................
This picture prompted me to get my ass in gear. With the results of loosing roughly 75 lbs. It hangs on my fridge. I see it every single day. Every day it hangs there as a reminder of what could be. It reminds me of how far I've traveled. It reminds me of how hard I've worked. It tells me "YOU AREN'T GOING BACK!" Now the Wineglass picture hangs along side of it. Prompting me with new motivation. New irritation. What will the end results be? I don't know. I am registered for the 2012 Wineglass Marathon. There is one thing that I can 2012 Wineglass picture will not look like that.
I'm ready to make the remainder of 2012 a full contact sport. I'm here to tackle it!
Bringing its' ass to the ground!
is it ok if I say.... I don't think the pic is that bad.