Monday, May 14, 2012


Fear .....

1.  a feeling of distress, apprehension, or alarm caused by impending danger, pain, etc.
2.  a cause of this feeling
3.  concern; anxiety
4.  to be afraid

Do you fear?  Really?  Of course, we all fear certain things.  Some of the time that fear can be all consuming.  Some of the time it can be irrational.  Some of the time it is legitimate.  Some of the time it is truly justified. 

Some fear snakes.  

Some fear heights.  

Some fear spiders. 

Some fear other people.

Some fear change.   

Some fear failure. 

Some just fear life. 

I can justify most of those.  Snakes  - really should some thing with no legs be able to climb a tree?  I think not!  Heights - if you fall from three stories it isn't going to be like jumping on a trampoline!  Spiders - furry little beady eyed creatures.  Other people - they can be judgemental and opinionated.  Change - every day is familiar whether liked or disliked you know what to expect.  Failure - looking the fool, feeling disappointed in ones self, letting other down.  Life - wouldn't it be easy to hide. 

I may have a DISLIKE of snakes (especially in my laundry room), spiders (in the wood pile in the fall), and heights (it is a long way down and won't be pleasant hitting) but I don't fear them.  I don't fear other people.  I do get the impression in many instances that others fear me.  What will she say?  What will she do?  Now what?  Oh well, they just need to get used to it!

And I decided a long time ago to embrace change!  Change is good!  Change is great!  Without change there can be no growth.  I try and roll with the punches.  On occasion, I do get down because I have a serious dislike for "same".  The "same" conversation.  The "same" eye rolls.  The "same" questions.  The "same" food.  The "same" familiar thing over and over and over and over and over and over ... you get the idea! 

Failure is a scary thing.  Right now I'm dealing with a little fear of failure.  I have a 10K coming up on June 2, 2012.  I have a complete fear of being last.  Really who wants to be last?!  I have this sense of impending doom.  A knot in my stomach.  A feeling of nausea.  Do you understand?  Have you ever had that feeling?  I could explain why but it will sound really, really, really bad. 

When it comes right down to it .. failure is a part of life.  And I don't fear life.  I want to live each day like it is my last.  I want to experience every minute of every day.  I want to make memories whenever I can.  Some would say "Hey, it was only $18.00.  Just skip it.  Really who is going to know!"  I will.  Deep down ... deep down ... deep down ... everything will be okay.  No matter when I cross that line ... it will be a success!  It will be a memory!  It will be an experience! 

So, are you willing to step out of your comfort zone?  Are you willing to make a memory?  Are you willing to go that extra step to make every day an experience?  Make a list.  Pick one item.  Decide that tomorrow morning you will start working on it.  Banish fear.....................................     

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