Monday, February 6, 2012

Frustration Monday.....

All of us deal with ups and downs.  Right now, I'm in a down.  Down.  Down.  Just call me Debbie Downer.  Don't worry!  I'll do my darnedest to pump you up.  Get you out there.  Put wind in you sails.  And tell you to go out and grab what you want in this life.  Don't settle for less.  Know that whatever your dreams are, they are worth fighting for. 

But, I'm really down on myself.  Here is my short list......

1.  I didn't do my 6 mile run yesterday.  Wanted it.  Put on my clothes.  Laced up my shoes.  Never ran.  That frustration led to irritation. 

2.  I had a glass of hot tea today.  That puts a "black mark" on my February challenge.  My throat hurt and hot tea with lemon soothes it. 

3.  My throat hurt.  I know what the problem is this time.  UGH!  UGGH! UGGGH!  DANG IT! 

4.  I'm really contemplating a big move that will rid me of the #3 problem. 

5.  Feel like I'm letting my daughter down.  I feel that she struggles with reading because of her slight speech issue.  I get so frustrated!  I know she deserves better than I can give her some days.  Some days, I truly question if I should have had children.    

Honestly, out of those five, which do you really think is the issue?!

I know life goes on.  The problem with frustration like this for me is that I always visit my long-lost friend.....FOOD.  Today's food is much better than the food in the past.  Not like I'm eating Doritos and candy.  All while swigging pop!  Yes, my go to absolute cheat food is Doritos.  One plus of living in BFE!  I have to get in the car and drive to get anything.  And that isn't going to happen.  But I know not to compensate for things in life with food.  Remember, I've never said old habits are hard to break! 

Tomorrow, I will wake up, pull up my big girl gutchies, and hit the ground with my normal zest and vigor. and face the day just fine.  Meanwhile, tonight I make "name cards" for everything in our house.  And will attach them all.  Along with prepping all of the other fun activities we have planned.  My hubby tells me that all parents go through this.  I don't know how he knows this.  We share the same children SO he doesn't have any prior experience with this job.   

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