Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What a year can do?, part II

Yes, today may only be February 28, 2012.  Yes, it is leap year.  But for me February is over.  This month has been rough!  And I'm very glad to see it go.  There will be some changes to my posts in the What can a year do? series.  And I have made some changes to my over-all routine. 

Out with the weigh and measure.  Sorry, I tried.  I'm not a tracker.  At least not at this point in my journey.  As strange as it may sound, I felt a lot of pressure from it.  And I found myself thinking about food all day long.  I'm a natural kinda girl.  And as I mentioned a few posts ago,  I signed up for the 100 day Real Food Pledge.  Truth be told ... I've already cheated. 

My homemade butter was not made with fresh cream.  Nor was it organic or natural.  Sometimes $$ wins out.  I really wanted to try making it.  And I wasn't sure we would love it.  So, the cheaper product won out.  Otherwise, I've been good.  I am comfortable and confident in the knowledge that I can just grab some thing when I'm hungry and not feel anxiety over it.  Which I did during the weigh and measure phase.  We must do what works for us. 

Also, I will be removing my weight from the measurements.  Unless that is something that the readers would like for me to continue to include.  In the year 2011, I stood on a scale roughly 4 times.  I truly don't care what that number says.  I go by feel.  I go by look.  I go by clothes.  I will continue to add it if you would like.  It is interesting that I would go by clothing.  Trust me that is not by the size.  At 256 pounds, I wore a size 16.  Today and at my lowest of 183, I wear/wore a size 14.  On a RARE occasion, I may get lucky enough to rock a 12.  You answer me how someone drops 70 - 75 lbs. and only one dress size.

The GOOD.  The BAD.  The UGLY.

1-30-12                                                                2-28-12

Neck  14 5/8                                                        14 5/8
Arm    R 14 3/4 L 14 1/2                                     R 15 L 14 3/4
Thigh  R 24 L                                                      R 24 1/2 L 24
Calf    R 16 1/2 L 16 1/2                                     R 16 1/2 L 16 1/2
Waist 37 7/8                                                        38 1/2
Weight  188                                                         186

Taken today.......

My thought was instead of weight, how about arm pics?  I know that sounds corny.  There is definition in them in person but all be damned if I can get it to show up in pics so that is my goal! 

It is there!  Trust me! 
If you can tell me an exercise to do in order to banish my double chin, I'd appreciate that! 

My husband swears you can see definition in person from this angle! 

Of course, he is busy taking these kind of pics.  I really need to get someone else to take photos of me.

Does anyone out there know how embarrassing it is to share this kind of stuff.  I'm putting myself out there.  Why not?  I've been judged for less.  And if my trials and tribulations can help someone out ... that makes it all worth it!  I'm done with the .......

I'm at shuttuppa.  I'm at puttuppa.  I'm hitting March like a lion.  And leaving it like one also!   

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