Thursday, May 17, 2012

A little art appreciation...........

Where to begin!  Over the past several years, it has come to my attention that both of my children are artistically talented.  In different ways.  One is a little more "see it as it is" and the other is more "abstract".  Well this evening was the United Elementary 2nd Annual Art Show.  The show is open to all.  And apparently the art teacher is the one that selects who, what, and where things are shown.

I had mentioned this little show on my own personal Facebook page but that was all.  We didn't let anyone else know about it because we weren't really sure if our kids were showing anything.  In the two weeks leading up to this we have heard it all ... I didn't have any thing in the show or What are you talking about! or Well, I can make it at home and take it in.  WHAT!  So we thought best to go it alone this evening.  Just in case!  We ended up finding out that BOTH of our children had "art work" shown!

Our first "art" of the evening ... a picture of us three!  I have thousands of pics with the kids and my hubby.  If people looked at our pics they would think I didn't exist!  And he is not a photographer!  I seriously think about getting him some lessons!   

Right inside the door of the show!  Killers picture of her favorite food.  John thought it would be a good idea to hold her up.  As you can see neither was really into it.  Right after this picture was taken....he nicely dropped her on her head and her dress went flying up exposing her underwear to the entire room.  Why?  That is just how us Breretons' roll!      

Here is another good look at her favorite food?  Can you guess what it is?  Come on!  Take a guess! 

Don't feel bad.  We had to ask.  John thought it looked like a TV dinner.  Which we found hilarious considering they have never seen a TV dinner!  Then a big block of cheese was mentioned.  Maybe a weird piece of pizza?!  No.  All wrong!  That there my friends is a cheeseburger!  Don't you see it.  I'm thinking it is a little heavy on the cheese.  ?!  Remember, I mentioned one is more on the "abstract" side.  Take a guess at which one!  She told me this looks exactly like a cheeseburger to her.  I don't know whether to be happy or worried........................HHHHMMMMMMM! 

Now for Muscles artwork!  His paper playground was chosen.  Not to second guess the art teacher but I have a kick ass self portrait hanging in the hallway!  I felt bad that we perused and over looked this at first.  They were only marked in the far corner of each paper.  Then I talked to Muscles and he didn't even know it was on the table.  And to think I felt guilty!

Can you tell he was really enthused about getting his picture taken? 

Yes!  I was given the ... MOM, YOU GET ONE PICTURE SPEECH!  And he was promptly given the ... I'll take as many as I want speech!  There was face painting.....................................................

Here is a self portrait drawn by my cousins daughter ... Second Grader Ms. Hannah Wood. 

Way to go Hannah!  And a little artwork by Muscles best buddy ...................................................

Go young Mr. Dickens!  And the following I just thought were totally cool.  These were done by the Fifth Graders.  Yarn self portraits.  I loved them all!  They were so interesting to look at.   

All in all a great and enjoyable evening!  There are a number of talented artists in the making at United.  The yard art was neat.  And the clay figurines that the molded, fired, and painted were all excellent.  It makes me really happy to know that art is important at their school.  Unfortunately, in a lot of schools art and music take a back seat.  Good job United Elementary students!

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