Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is it Friday yet?!

If you read earlier in the week, I've been kinda down on myself.  Really it doesn't happen that often.  But when it is a quick descent into Pityville.  I admitted to letting a run go by the wayside on Sunday.  And it really did bother me.  I've continued to do other workouts but just haven't had the mo-jo to run.  I don't understand why.  Sometimes I do find myself not worthy of good things.  You know what I mean.  One part of my life is chaotic so why do I believe that I am worthy of doing something that I like? 

In the past, I medicated with food.  Happy = eat!  Sad = eat!  Irritated = eat!  Frustrated = eat!  Feeling crappy = eat!  Yeppers!  You name a reason and I ate it!  I consumed a lot of pity food.  Since we don't have what I consider pity food in the house...I didn't think that could happen.  Who really wants to bang out their frustrations on carrot sticks?  Or green peppers?  or Wasa Crackers?  NOT ME!  Here is a list of my pity foods and when I would eat them ..... Ice Cream = when I was upset about how I looked or felt.  I never admitted to being the brightest bulb!  Doritos = just about when ever.  I do have an OBSESSION with them.  Nacho cheesy goodness.  Orange fingers.  Bad breath.  Dorito breath is bad!  Chocolate (not very often) = pity party! 

Now, I've learned over the past few years to not medicate with food or beverage.  It just gets me NO WHERE!  But today as I prepared our dinner something became apparent to me.  Just because we eat healthy food doesn't mean we can't medicate with it.  I realized that we have eaten potatoes every day at dinner for the past 5 days.  All prepared different.  Problem with this is potatoes, in all their starchy goodness, are sugar!  The other problem is after 5 days of potatoes....I'm starting to resemble one!  Yep!  That midsection is starting to look white, lumpy, and rough!  I might "rock a rectangle" but this lady is not going to "rock a Russet"!    

Now, don't give up on me completely yet!  I haven't completely fallen off the cliff.  I'm pretty resilient.  I managed to do P90X Back & Bicep workout.  I know the weights were pretty heavy today.  It isn't saying much for me but sweat was literally rolling off my nose!  And now typing hurts.  A good hurt.  The I popped in Ab Ripper.  Felt pretty interesting sitting in front of my boyfriend tyring to get ripped abs feeling like a Russet potato!  And to top it all off, I managed to bust out 2 miles on the treadmill.     

So the lesson for today is ... just because you eat healthy doesn't mean you can't medicate.  It can also be said that when you mix some of those wonderful natural foods together in the right amounts the results are not so healthy.  All natural granola bars.....

Yummy goodness!  All natural ingredients but when mixed together .... I'm aware they are not really the healthiest things.  But I do know what is in them.  Please take what I have shared.  Log it.  And remember ..... 1.  You are worthy of doing things you like and enjoy!  and 2.  Don't medicate.  It feels good at the moment but in the long run, it just makes for longer runs! 

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