Monday, January 23, 2012

Let me tell you a story about a man.....

He has been part of my life for over fifteen years, a little over eleven of those have been in marriage.  Over that span of time, I've seen him do many things.  We'll just end that there.  He has his interests.  I have mine.  Of course, we share some.  The one thing that I haven't really seen him do is exercise.  That is right my husband DOES NOT share my passion for movement.  I can count on my two hands the number of times I've seen him workout.  I've never bothered him about it. 

This is John..........just being himself

That is my LOVE acting goofy!  I wouldn't want him to be any other way.  Don't be jealous....JK! 

Over the years, he has supported me in whatever struck my fancy.  He has watched me go out the door for numerous miles.  Listened to me talk about P90X.  Purchased my much loved dreaded hamster wheel.  Listens to me complain about needing heavier weights.  Doesn't care that I purchase heavier weights.  Only questions the date and time when I tell him I've signed up for something.  And told me at the height of my marathon training how great I was doing. 

Along, our journey he has thrown in a 5K or two.  Both with none to very minimal training.  Completed them in under 28 minutes each.  Trust me when I say ... that makes me SICK!  I work daily at it and then he comes along ..... oh, I'm getting off track.  Last October, I ran the Wineglass Marathon in Corning, NY.  Now, no race would be complete without family there.  The day did not go as planned for me.  I struggled.  But when I came across that line ... there was this man.  Big smile and open arms.  And he said "I'm so proud of you.  The only thing that tops this was watching you have our children."  On the ride home, he told me of families out there running together.  Couples crossing the line together.  He looked at me and said "I want to do that with you."  Now, I knew he meant it BUT .....

The following happened this week, not once but twice.......

Yes, he did get a hair cut.  He was on the treadmill!  Now, it is like a car wreck for us.  The kids and I just sit there and stare.  I've taken numerous pictures.  At one point ... no joking ... the dog was sitting there just watching him.  I don't know that our kids have ever seen him workout.  Maybe a couple of push-ups or crunches but nothing else.  I find it nerve racking having him on there.  I worry more about him falling then I do the kids!  And that he is going to break it.....he is a bit accident prone. 

Today, he asked me if I would take official before pictures.  He wants to join me on my "What can a year do" challenge!  I will be including him in my post on the 28th of each month.  After eleven years, I've inspired him to MOVE!  See what persistence can do.  I WISH!  Now not only will he be joining my on my challenge but also in a 1/2 marathon in April and a full marathon in September.  This should be an interesting challenge.  Follow along as John goes from "Couch Potato" to Marathoner in under a year!           

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